
Do I Need Calcium Supplements?

February 23, 2023 Do I Need Calcium Supplements?

When you were growing up, you probably heard an older person to tell you to drink your milk because it helps build strong bones. In adulthood, we are less likely to get our bone-strengthening calcium from food products. However, getting enough calcium for your body is still very important. 

Calcium Supplements for Bone and Joint Health

Even if you know how important calcium is for your health, you probably don’t know how much you should get in a day. The current recommendations for calcium depend heavily on your age.

Calcium Recommendations for Men and Women

  • 1-3 years of age – 700mg per day
  • 4-8 years of age – 1,000 mg per day
  • 9-18 years of age – 1,300 mg per day
  • 19-50 years of age – 1,000 mg per day
  • Ages 51 and over – 1,200 mg per day

There are also upper limits for calcium intake. The maximum is 2,500 mg a day for adults up to age 50 and 2,000 mg per day for adults over the age of 50.

The Pros and Cons of Calcium Supplements

If you’re not hitting these recommendations for daily calcium, you might be considering a supplement to help. It’s important to protect your bone strength, however, taking a supplement isn’t always necessary. 

If you are not getting enough calcium from consuming food alone, then your doctor may recommend taking calcium supplements. You may also consider taking calcium supplements if you:

  • Are on a vegan diet
  • Have osteoporosis
  • Being treated with corticosteroids
  • Are on a high-protein or high-sodium diet

At normal doses, calcium supplements have several benefits, like reducing the chance of bone loss, helping with fat loss, reducing the chance of colon cancer, and improving metabolic markers. However, there are some potential side effects of calcium supplements–even at normal doses.  

Calcium is generally safe, but some people can experience gas, constipation, and bloating from taking a supplement. These side effects can happen even if your calcium levels are within the normal range. For those who exceed the upper limit of calcium, they can experience kidney stones, buildup in the blood vessels, and an increased risk for prostate cancer. 

Natural Calcium Supplements

If you want to introduce some more calcium into your diet, there are several foods that can help. Some foods that are naturally high in calcium include:

  • Almonds
  • Dried figs
  • Dairy products
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Soybeans
  • Oranges
  • Beans

Two Types of Supplements

Calcium supplements consist of two different types, calcium citrate and calcium carbonate. Calcium citrate is typically more expensive, but it is more easily absorbed and can be taken without food. Calcium carbonate is typically cheaper but is more likely to cause side effects. 

Although your bones need calcium, don’t take any supplements without first talking to your doctor. This can help you find out which form of calcium is best for you to take, how much you need to consume per day, and what to do if you ever experience any of the side effects.

The Bone and Joint Center of Yuma can provide you with more information on calcium intake and what it does to your bones and joints, on our website and blog. Our specialties include treating injuries, replacement surgeries, disorders and so much more. Don’t be afraid to reach out to us with any questions or concerns that you may have. 

Contact Us!

The Bone and Joint Center of Yuma
1743 West 24th St
Yuma, AZ USA 85364



Monday - Friday | 8 am- 5 pm