
Healthy Joint Tips

January 15, 2021 Healthy Joint Tips

Do you notice stiffness in your joints? Are you experiencing frequent discomfort? It might be time to start focusing on strengthening your joints. Keep your joints healthy, safe, and strong for years to come with our healthy joint tips. 

Wear a Brace 

It’s better to be safe than sorry, so take extra safety when you partake in physical activity, and especially when you try recreational sports that you don’t normally participate in, like skating. Wear a brace on the joints that feel sore, like your knees. 

Get Moving!

If you are sedentary, you may notice that your joints are stiff. That’s because lack of moment can cause your joints to stiffen, while movement will keep them limber. If you work a desk job, make sure you take regular breaks to stretch and get moving. This applies to your free time as well. If you spend your nights reading or watching television, make sure you switch positions often and take breaks to move around. 

Weight Loss

Did you know that excess weight can be weighing on your joints? This is felt especially in the hips, knees, and back. Studies show that losing even one pound of excess weight can take a few pounds of pressure off of your knees. If your weight puts you in the overweight or obese category, talk to your doctor about your weight-loss options. 


Stretching and increasing your range of motion is a great way to improve the health of your joints. You should be stretching at least a few times per week, but make sure you do it once your body is warmed up. Stretching when your muscles aren’t warmed up can make you more likely to pull something. 

Build your Strength

Stronger muscles mean better support for your joints. Weight training has numerous benefits. Talk to your doctor about starting a weight training regimen that will benefit you and your joints most. And don’t forget about your core muscles! 

If you already have joint problems, aim for low impact exercise that won’t aggravate any pain in your knees, hips, and back. Walking, swimming, and biking are great low impact exercises. Increasing your strength is also a great way to help improve your posture, which will also help your joints. 

Follow a Healthy Diet

A diet rich in calcium and will keep your bones strong, while a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can lessen inflammation in the body that causes joint pain. Talk to your doctor before trying any supplements. 

Contact Us!

The Bone and Joint Center of Yuma
1743 West 24th St
Yuma, AZ USA 85364



Monday - Friday | 8 am- 5 pm