Carpal Tunnel

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Your wrist is an amazing thing. It has dozens of bones, ligaments, and nerves working together to create movement. One of these nerves, the median nerve, runs through your arm and into your hand. However, to get to the hand, this nerve passes through a small tunnel in the hand called the “carpal tunnel.” Sometimes the carpal tunnel compresses, putting pressure on the nerve and causing symptoms like pain and tingling. This condition is called “carpal tunnel syndrome.”

Common Signs of Carpal Tunnel 

There are several signs that you should look into carpal tunnel treatments in your area. Most people feel strange or painful sensations in the hand, but there are other symptoms too. The full list of symptoms include:

  • Pain in the hand, fingers, or arm
  • A constant tingling sensation
  • Numbness affecting the hand and fingers
  • Loss of function and fine motor movements 
  • Constant sensation that disrupts sleep

Who Usually Needs Carpal Tunnel Treatment?

The American College of Rheumatology estimates that this problem affects anywhere from 4 to 10 million Americans, making the need for carpal tunnel treatment critical. There are several factors that put you at a higher risk for this condition:

  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Having family members with carpal tunnel
  • Jobs requiring repetitive hand movements or gripping motions

Symptoms typically worsen when activities or positions put pressure on your wrist. You might experience increased symptoms depending on your sleeping posture, how you hold a cellphone, and even where you put your hands on a steering wheel. Once your hand is relaxed, symptoms usually subside. Without treatment, however, the pain usually grows in intensity and duration until you experience permanent numbness. 

Do I Need Carpal Tunnel Surgery?

There is little need for carpal tunnel surgery if your doctor catches it early. The longer the condition goes untreated, the more likely you’ll need surgical treatment. Going without treatment also increases your risk for permanent nerve damage, so it’s important to work with your doctor as soon as you see symptoms. 

In most cases, there are effective solutions that don’t require surgery. Some common carpal tunnel treatments include:

  • Avoiding conditions that produce your symptoms
  • Using braces and splints to decrease nerve pressure
  • Oral medications like ibuprofen that reduce pain and inflammation
  • Cortisone shots to treat inflamed tissue

If you do need carpal tunnel surgery, your physician will heighten the roof of the tunnel and decrease pressure on the nerve. This surgery is extremely effective at alleviating symptoms, and there is little chance that the problem will reoccur. 

Carpal Tunnel Treatments at The Bone and Joint Center of Yuma

If you suspect you have carpal tunnel syndrome, it’s best to contact your physician so they can make a diagnosis. The Bone and Joint Center of Yuma is happy to help you find the right carpal tunnel treatments for your symptoms. Contact Dr. Clark and our outstanding team in Yuma to find relief for your pain. 

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The Bone and Joint Center of Yuma
1743 West 24th St
Yuma, AZ USA 85364



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