
Warning Signs of Osteoporosis: Detection, Prevention, and Treatment

August 21, 2021 Warning Signs of Osteoporosis: Detection, Prevention, and Treatment

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become fragile and break easily. It can happen to anyone, regardless of age or gender, but it’s most common in postmenopausal women. It currently affects about 10 million people in the United States. If osteoporosis isn’t detected early enough, the condition can cause serious health problems such as fractures and chronic pain. The good news is osteoporosis prevention is possible and treatments are available! This blog post will provide signs of osteoporosis, what to do when you suspect you have osteoporosis, and how to treat osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis Detection

If you notice that your back aches more than normal when you lift, you struggle with routine tasks, and you often have pain in your joints for no reason, you may be exhibiting early signs of osteoporosis. You may also notice that your posture is changing, you’re getting shorter, and it’s easy for you to break bones. Early signs of bone loss that your doctor will pay attention to include changes in height or weight, stooped posture, calcium levels, and hormone changes. A bone density test will confirm an osteoporosis diagnosis. 

Osteoporosis Prevention

There are risk factors for osteoporosis that you cannot control, including sex, age, race, and genetics. “Banking” bone mass in your twenties—the process of building high peak bone mass—will make you less likely to develop osteoporosis in later life. You can also try to prevent osteoporosis by living a healthy, active lifestyle. This includes eating a diet rich in calcium, Vitamin D, and protein, avoiding excess alcohol consumption and tobacco use, and exercising regularly.

Osteopenia is a lesser form of osteoporosis and is considered the midway point to osteoporosis. Early detection will allow your doctor to prescribe medications designed for your specific needs and encourage healthy lifestyle habits, including regular exercises, dietary changes, and wearing special bracelets that can prevent worsening symptoms later in life.

Osteoporosis Treatment

If you suspect that you may be exhibiting signs of osteoporosis, you should schedule a visit with your doctor. They will conduct tests, including a bone density test, to determine if you have the disease. Treatment is dependent upon how likely you are to break a bone in the next decade. For instance, your doctor may recommend lifestyle modifications for fall prevention instead of medication. Widely prescribed bisphosphonates medication can be taken weekly or monthly, but some people prefer a quarterly or yearly injection. Monoclonal antibody medications can improve bone density and lower the chance of a fracture. Hormone-related therapy and bone-building medications are also options. Your doctor will also likely recommend other lifestyle modifications, such as quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake, and taking safety measures to avoid falls. 

If you’re ready to start living your life by treating your joint and bone conditions, contact Dr. Ron Clark at The Bone and Joint Center of Yuma.

Contact Us!

The Bone and Joint Center of Yuma
1743 West 24th St
Yuma, AZ USA 85364



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